When I tried to photograph this duck, he moved behind this tall grass to hide and he seems to be smiling. Quand j’ai essayé de photographier ce canard, il a été derrière l’herbe plus longue pour ce cacher, et il semblait sourire.
Smart looking duck.
Ce canard semble être bien dans sa peau, bien dans ses plumes.
Un léger sourire "au bord des lèvres", sans arrogance, sans ostentation. Avec le plaisir d'être en vie, là où il est, sans appréhension...
En tentant de se cacher derrière les herbes le cliché n'en est que plus beau et vivant. A mon avis ce canard aime se faire tirer le portrait. A+ Serge
Yes Andre I would agree this duck smiles!
I will take a few interesting photos in Paris so stay tuned to my blog!
She has a little Mona Lisa smile;) Very nice photo, Andre.
c'est un canard timide ...
Still a great shot! The duck is camera-shy! You know, if you wouldn't have had the camera in your hand, you could have gotten a very close look at it. I have rabbits here that do the same thing to me. I can get just a couple yards away and talk to them and they'll just sit and wait til I'm done talking then be on their merry way, but if I have the camera, I'm lucky to be able to get a shot in the neighbor's yard!
thye always do that don't they.. LOL but it's a nice image and that's why they call it wildlife. LOL
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